Kingswood Bowling CLub


Each February the Annual General Meeting the President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer who form the Trustees of the club, along with the 7 Convenors are elected by the Membership, also 5 of the 15 member committee are elected or re-elected.

In February 2024 the following were elected to the Committee

PostPost Holder
Honorary PresidentR Kennedy Greig
Honorary Vice PresidentRobert Finlay
PresidentIain Kyle
Vice PresidentBobby Waddell
Immediate Past PresidentGraham Magee
Honorary SecretaryNeil Martin
Honorary TreasurerRobert Finlay
Honorary Match SecretaryGeorge Newall
Greens ConvenorAndrew V Johnston
Property ConvenorJohn Thomson
Bar ConvenorGerry Docherty
Development ConvenorKenny Kyle
Seniors ConvenorCharles Boyle
Social ConvenorVacant
Committee Members
Hugh Ross
David Paterson
Gordon Aitken
Jim Marr
Peter Alexander
Jonathan Buchan
Tommy Robertson
Joe Graham
Rodney Harvey
Allan Bellshaw
David Greig
William Watson